今天有位朋友问了个问题,大致是:tomcat下两个java web,一个是商城,一个是直播,从商城登录后,再跳转到直播,发现处于非登录状态。
public httpsession getsession(boolean create) { if (crosscontext) { // there cannot be a session if no context has been assigned yet if (context == null) return (null); // return the current session if it exists and is valid if (session != null && session.isvalid()) { return (session.getsession()); } httpsession other = super.getsession(false); if (create && (other == null)) { // first create a session in the first context: the problem is // that the top level request is the only one which can // create the cookie safely other = super.getsession(true); } if (other != null) { session localsession = null; try { localsession = context.getmanager().findsession(other.getid()); if (localsession != null && !localsession.isvalid()) { localsession = null; } } catch (ioexception e) { // ignore } if (localsession == null && create) { localsession = context.getmanager().createsession(other.getid()); } if (localsession != null) { localsession.access(); session = localsession; return session.getsession(); } } return null; } else { return super.getsession(create); } }
public servletcontext getcontext(string uri) { // validate the format of the specified argument if (uri == null || !uri.startswith("/")) { return null; } context child = null; try { // look for an exact match container host = context.getparent(); child = (context) host.findchild(uri); // non-running contexts should be ignored. if (child != null && !child.getstate().isavailable()) { child = null; } // remove any version information and use the mapper if (child == null) { int i = uri.indexof("##"); if (i > -1) { uri = uri.substring(0, i); } // note: this could be more efficient with a dedicated mapper // method but such an implementation would require some // refactoring of the mapper to avoid copy/paste of // existing code. messagebytes hostmb = messagebytes.newinstance(); hostmb.setstring(host.getname()); messagebytes pathmb = messagebytes.newinstance(); pathmb.setstring(uri); mappingdata mappingdata = new mappingdata(); ((engine) host.getparent()).getservice().findconnectors()[0].getmapper().map( hostmb, pathmb, null, mappingdata); child = (context) mappingdata.context; } } catch (throwable t) { exceptionutils.handlethrowable(t); return null; } if (child == null) { return null; } if (context.getcrosscontext()) { // if crosscontext is enabled, can always return the context return child.getservletcontext(); } else if (child == context) { // can still return the current context return context.getservletcontext(); } else { // nothing to return return null; } }
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