select count(ysw.supply_id) as '提现次数',ysw.user_id as '供应商对应的用户id', ysw.supply_id as '供应商id' ,sum( as '供应商提现总金额', case ysw.pay_type when 10 then '微信' when 20 then '支付宝' else '银行卡' end as '支付方式' , ys.supply_name as '供应商名称', as '供应商余额',ys.freez_money as '供应商冻结金额(已提现金额)' from yoshop_supply_withdraw as ysw left join yoshop_supply as ys on ysw.supply_id = ys.supply_id where ysw.create_time < 1647446400 and ysw.apply_status in (10,20,40) group by ysw.supply_id order by sum( desc ;
接下来,我在左链接上订单表的数据,又添加一个了left join,金额相关数据发生了变化严重不一致,而且查询时间明显延长,mysql语句如下
select count(ysw.supply_id) as '提现次数',ysw.user_id as '供应商对应的用户id', ysw.supply_id as '供应商id' ,sum( as '供应商提现总金额', case ysw.pay_type when 10 then '微信' when 20 then '支付宝' else '银行卡' end as '支付方式' , ys.supply_name as '供应商名称', as '供应商余额',ys.freez_money as '供应商冻结金额(已提现金额)',sum(yo.pay_price) from yoshop_supply_withdraw as ysw left join yoshop_supply as ys on ysw.supply_id = ys.supply_id left join yoshop_order as yo on yo.supply_ids =ysw.supply_id where ysw.create_time < 1647446400 and ysw.apply_status in (10,20,40) group by ysw.supply_id order by sum( desc ;
优化了思路: 把提现的统计好,把订单的统计好, 最后两个结果集再根据供应商id做个链接
接下来就是,三步走了, 第一步:把提现的统计好,上面第一次尝试的第一步就是了, 第二步:把订单表的数据统计好。由于使用系统的原因,我直接使用的订单商品表计算的订单总金额,这一步也是分三步走的,我直接上代码:
1.查询yoshop_order所有进行中,已完成的 订单id(order_id); select order_id from yoshop_order where order_status in (10,30); 2.查询没有退款的订单id select order_id from yoshop_order where order_status in (10,30) and order_id not in ( select order_id from yoshop_order_refund); 3.查询订单商品表中 所有的订单金额 select supply_id as '供应商id' , sum(total_pay_price) as '供应商订单总金额' from yoshop_order_goods where create_time < 1647446400 and order_pay_status = 0 and order_id in(select order_id from yoshop_order where order_status in (10,30) and order_id not in ( select order_id from yoshop_order_refund) ) group by supply_id order by sum(total_pay_price) desc ;
接下来就是进行把第一步和第二步的查询结果当作派生表,进行左连接查询。我在这一步耗费的时间和精力最多。如果你能认真看完,相信一定会有收货。我在这里把我错误的过程也进行了记录 第一次错误拼接:
select * from ( select count(ysw.supply_id) as '提现次数',ysw.user_id as '供应商对应的用户id', ysw.supply_id as 'supply_id' ,sum( as '供应商提现总金额', case ysw.pay_type when 10 then '微信' when 20 then '支付宝' else '银行卡' end as '支付方式' , ys.supply_name as '供应商名称', as '供应商余额',ys.freez_money as '供应商冻结金额(已提现金额)' from yoshop_supply_withdraw as ysw left join yoshop_supply as ys on ysw.supply_id = ys.supply_id where ysw.create_time < 1647446400 and ysw.apply_status in (10,20,40) group by ysw.supply_id order by sum( desc ) as t1 union all // left join ,这里是注释记得删除 select * from -- 这里是错误的不应该在查询 (select supply_id as 'supply_id' , sum(total_pay_price) as total_pay_price from yoshop_order_goods where create_time < 1647446400 and order_pay_status = 0 and order_id in( select order_id from yoshop_order where order_status in (10,30) and order_id not in ( select order_id from yoshop_order_refund) ) group by supply_id order by sum(total_pay_price) desc ) as t2 on t1.suppply_id = t2.suppply_id
通过这一次试错,明显看出我把left join 和 union all 的含义记错了,并且在拼接的时候重复使用了select * from 。虽然是试错了,但也是有收货的,接下来进行了第二次错误的拼接:
select t1.提现次数 ,t1.供应商对应的用户id ,t1.supply_id, t1.支付方式 ,t1.供应商名称,t1.供应商余额, t1.供应商冻结金额(已提现金额), t2.total_pay_price from ( select count(ysw.supply_id) as '提现次数',ysw.user_id as '供应商对应的用户id', ysw.supply_id as supply_id ,sum( as '供应商提现总金额', case ysw.pay_type when 10 then '微信' when 20 then '支付宝' else '银行卡' end as '支付方式' , ys.supply_name as '供应商名称', as '供应商余额',ys.freez_money as '供应商冻结金额(已提现金额)' from yoshop_supply_withdraw as ysw left join yoshop_supply as ys on ysw.supply_id = ys.supply_id where ysw.create_time < 1647446400 and ysw.apply_status in (10,20,40) group by ysw.supply_id order by sum( desc ) as t1 left join (select supply_id as supply_id , sum(total_pay_price) as total_pay_price from yoshop_order_goods where create_time < 1647446400 and order_pay_status = 0 and order_id in( select order_id from yoshop_order where order_status in (10,30) and order_id not in ( select order_id from yoshop_order_refund) ) group by supply_id order by sum(total_pay_price) desc ) as t2 on t1.suppply_id = t2.suppply_id
通过这两次错误的尝试,以及根据尝试过程中mysql给出的错误提示,知道自己是在左连接上使用错误了,应该在开始查询出来所有的字段,left join 后不能在使用select * 最后,回想了一遍自己所学的left join的语法,写出了最后的正确的查询结果
select t1.supply_id '供应商id',t1.supply_name '供应商名称',t1.user_id '供应商绑定的用户id',t1.withdrawtime '供应商提现次数' ,t1.supplyallmoney '供应商提现金额',t1.payway '供应商提现方式',t1.supply_money '供应商账户余额',t1.supply_free_money '供应商冻结余额(已提现金额)', t2.total_pay_price '供应商订单总金额',t2.order_id '供应商订单数量' from ( select count(ysw.supply_id) as withdrawtime, ysw.user_id as user_id, ysw.supply_id as supply_id , sum( as supplyallmoney, ysw.alipay_name as alipay_name ,ysw.alipay_account as alipay_account, ysw.audit_time as audit_time , ysw.bank_account as bank_account, ysw.bank_card as bank_card, ysw.bank_name as bank_name, case ysw.pay_type when 10 then '微信' when 20 then '支付宝' else '银行卡' end as payway , ys.supply_name as supply_name, as supply_money, ys.freez_money as supply_free_money from yoshop_supply_withdraw as ysw left join yoshop_supply as ys on ysw.supply_id = ys.supply_id where ysw.create_time < 1647446400 and ysw.apply_status in (10,20,40) group by ysw.supply_id order by sum( desc ) as t1 left join (select supply_id as 'supply_id' , count(order_id) as order_id, sum(total_pay_price) as total_pay_price from yoshop_order_goods where create_time < 1647446400 and order_pay_status = 0 and order_id in( select order_id from yoshop_order where order_status in (10,30) and order_id not in ( select order_id from yoshop_order_refund) ) group by supply_id order by sum(total_pay_price) desc ) as t2 on t1.supply_id = t2.supply_id
关于 "mysql派生表联表查询的方法是什么" 就介绍到此。希望多多支持硕编程。